Liên Đoàn Bắc Đẩu is a multi-level Vietnamese scouting unit founded in San Jose California in 2017. We meet on Sunday mornings from 10 AM to 12 PM at Evergreen Valley College next to the Student Center. We're a group of lifelong scouters who are devoted to advancing the scouting movement, living by the Scout Oath and Law, and having FUN in the process.
Our Charter Organization: Bac Dau and Chua Tue Vien
Our original Charter Organization Wisdom Garden Meditative Center is run by Thay Minh Thien - a buddhist monk. It is a Buddhist temple that does wonderful community service both locally and internationally. They have developed a Vietnamese language school on weekends; routinely helping to feed the homeless; offering meditation classes; and building schools and computer centers abroad. Please do visit them at Chua Tue Vien
We have since formed our own non-profit organization Bac Dau and it serves as our current Charter Organization.
We have since formed our own non-profit organization Bac Dau and it serves as our current Charter Organization.
Our Leaders